White Walker SFX Makeup

HERE comes my most pretentious post yet!! Because unlike my other makeup looks (usually inspired by songs/movies/pop culture characters that I actually love to death), this makeup look was done simply so I can finally stop obsessing about my July makeup project, since I’ve already got my August & September projects all figured out. Kudos to my colleague Dan for (once again!) having the tendency to inquire about the stuff he sees on my computer screen lololol (it’s actually my pet peeve as an introvert [that I’ve been trying to work on…!] which is why this is my only professional ambition, but hey, at least it resulted to something!) So yeah, I’m not a huge Game of Thrones (or fantasy stuff, for that matter) fan, but the hype is sooo stroooong and the materials are soo simple, I couldn’t resist taking advantage of it.

[SPOILER]………………This is how I look when I’m hangry
What I did:

  1. Start with a clean face. No primer this time, since I was scared it was gonna reduce the adhesion of My Graftobian liquid latex.
  2. PROTECT YOUR HAIR AND EYEBROWS BECAUSE LIQUID LATEX WILL CLING TO YOUR HAIR LIKE AN OVERBEARING PARENT ON HER SON’S FIRST DAY AT KINDERGARTEN. Use a headband and stick a thin layer of tissue all over your brows with Elmer’s Glue if you don’t have scar wax (which, I’ve learned after regularly dropping by cosmetic specialty stores like Pure Beauty, is very hard to find in the Philippines if it’s not the Halloween season yet!). Elmer’s Glue is a lot more forgiving to hair–unlike liquid latex, which has made me demote my Naked 2 brush into one of my facepainting brush after I accidentally dipped it in liquid latex when I was creating this look.
  3. For the White walker’s wrinkly skin, rip & roll tiny bits of one-ply tissue until they look like anorexic cocoons. This was the most time-consuming part for me (because I like to make sure they all have the same size), so I suggest you get a cat who can shred your tissue for you.

    If you want your own smug-looking, tissue-shredding monster of destruction, I heard you can adopt one from CARA. I heard, ha. 😛
  4. Draw the White walker skin wrinkles on your face using an eyeliner pencil (color doesn’t matter since you’ll be using facepaint later anyway)
  5. Trace the lines you just drew with liquid latex, which is what’ll get those tissue wrinkles to stick to your face. Do it one at a time because the latex dries faaast. I even added a layer of tissue over my nose to give it more definition.
  6. Once everything’s dry and secure, cover your face (and neck and hair) with Snazaroo clown white face paint.
  7. Use an angled eyeliner brush to do the shading: gray facepaint for your strips of real skin, and black facepaint to define the nose and make your face look like an albino bitter gourd (aka ampalaya but since I’m already being pretentious by making this makeup look, why stop at that?). I lined my waterline with NYX Retractable Black liner as if it’s 2006 and I’m pretending to like My Chemical Romance all over again.
  8. Form a pathetic-looking beard with cotton & mooore liquid latex, use a beauty app for fake blue eyes (because I’m too stingy to buy blue contacts I’d barely get to use…and I have just recovered from a really mean eye stye so nope nope noooope)
  9. Feel good about yourself. You know you’ve managed to do a pretty neat job kahit ‘di ka naman fan. #OMGImLikeSoInSaUso


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