For those who have seen my Christmas nails four years ago, this is going to feel like a throwback, because this is how I designed my nails then. But since I DID say that this blog is going to feature some of my nail art designs, I’ve decided to just do it again. I know I’m more into makeup now, but I couldn’t just let this ridiculous haul of 2012 buyer’s remorse go to waste now, could I?
So yeah I used to have an intense nail art addiction because I was an inggeterang lurker of /r/redditlaqueristas. It even came to a point when I had to create a Google Sheets file to better catalogue my nail polish collection–that level of cray. But that had to stop because I ran out of THE holy grail that is Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat (which, unfortunately, isn’t available in local department stores). Without it (and its ability to set and dry your nail color in less than a minute), then even the simple act of painting my nails becomes such a boring chore…
…and doing nail art is absolutely out of the question. I don’t want to risk getting UTI just because I don’t want to destroy my wet nails while unbuttoning my jeans during peepee time yo.
So these are the things I used:
- Prep your nails with Seche Vite Base Coat, before applying the base colors: a light green color like Revlon’s Sassy for the thumbnail, A thin coat of blue like Caronia’s Chasse (and then applying a glittery polish like Revlon’s Radiance over it with a sponge) for the index finger nail, a metallic gold color like Orly’s Luxe for the middle finger nail, a cream color for the ring finger nail and white like China Glaze’s White on White for the pinky nail.
- Use a bit of painter’s tape to trace the outline of the Christmas tree on your thumb nail, and Santa’s red hat on your ring finger. Your pinky’s candy cane nail design is done with just a bit of carefully-placed metallic red and green nail tapes hehhh
- Apply a layer of green nail polish like Revlon’s Posh on your thumbnail and a layer of red nail polish like Sinful Colors’ Gogo Girl on your ring finger nail.
- Using dotting tools (or toothpicks), add the details using your white nail polish and different colors of acrylic paint (because acrylic paint is a looot more pigmented for small details PLUS it’s water-based). For the thumb nail: the red, yellow and blue acrylic paints for the Christmas light dots. Set a small nail gem at the tip of your Xmas tree using a clear nail polish. For the index finger: black acrylic paint for the snowman’s hat, eyes and arms and orange acrylic paint for the snowman’s nose applied over two blobs of white nail polish for the snowman’s body. For the middle finger nail: streaks of green acrylic paint for the mistletoe leaves and dots of red acrylic paint for the berries. For the ring finger: two messy-looking strips of white acrylic paint for santa’s hair and beard, black acrylic paint for Santa’s eyes, and pink acrylic paint for Santa’s mouth.
- Carefully apply a generous layer of Seche Vite Dry Fast Topcoat over each nail. Feel confident with the idea that you can pick your nose soon because your top coat will dry and set your nails pronto.